
Shades of purple 💜

Have you ever tasted your favourite colour? Then why is it so some colours seems more attractive to us than the others... What is it that makes a colour one's favourite? Let me think, when did I first tasted the colours in the rainbow and why is it that out of all the colours known in the world, why even purple or violet or whatever the eternals call it captured my pupils the most... Maybe it's because the first fruit that I ever encountered in my childhood was the jamun, the juicy fruit might have lured my senses to adore it. And when I saw the sky during dawn, I might have witnessed a purple tint to it. And the night sky before rain would have blurred my eyes with a vision of blue blend with purple and I got a sense of the colour violet as I transpired that moment into my brain. Then coincidentally when I started walking, my mother bought me lilac sandals which gave me the idea of another shade to my pink mixed purple colour.  And slowly as I started growing up, my first trad

"A Red Red Rose... "

Rose, a forever romantic entity isn't it? Artist have always romanticized this flower in their paintings, poetry and decors. I , for a fact first read the meaning of this flower through the aesthetic hindi songs of Kishore kumar and Rafi Sahib. Even the title of this write-up is inspired from the work of Robert Burns. When I edited this picture, isharo pe, isharo pe, dil le gaya song kept on ringing in my mind as a loop.  Why the most romantic flower in the world has got the red blood colour? Have you ever thought about it? Maybe, because it always got hinged with the notion of love and as far as my literature knowledge goes, wherever there's rose, there's life and so there's blood that runs this cycle of life through human veins. Maybe it's because when we are in love, our blood runs hot as our heart beats in and out through the adrenaline rush that blossom within ourselves at the thought of love and this is, this can be why roses are  blood red and it is binded by

A Proposal 🌹

Do you know how hard love deserves you and I from the deepest well of my kindred heart hope love to find you and embrace your worth for I know your warm cozy treats is what it will live for , your honey sucked words will soothe its ears with profound ecstasy and its lonely spirits will touch the essence of your hands and get drenched in the rhythm of your dew feet. At last the sky of my heart will feel the heavenly bearings of my eyes when love will finally meet it's parallel end through the scrumptious delicacy of your cherry lips.  @anu__anil.


A feeling that moves life -they say  Is it really?   Or is it something that hinders it's flow  By fitting into the role of  A sense that fakes happiness A rhythm that flows vaguely through imagination   A barrier that keeps the present in dark  A pain that would endure an invisible scar A wound born to kill our innocence A thought that would never agree for a conclusion A phase that breaks the infinite dreams of our sacred inner being A vision of reality that finally hits us hard  to be kind and cheerful  to live and let live  Because life is all about broken hopes and expectations that abodes nowhere  And this is what it takes to create a story  For a story is incomplete without the ravishes of time  For there's darkness so we know what light sparks  For there's agony so we know what joy means.  For there's evil so we know what angels protects Hence Sorrow and elation -the tools of the universe  are ultimately nothing but the recipies that brew the potion of life  t

A Thought In Doubt 🙇‍♀️

              Waiting for my answer sheet I still with my frozen feet  Thinking about my past  Is this the reality? Is this the life we need? Reliving my imagination Colours inked with creation I hoped for it to burst And here I'm all plain   lifeless as a blank paper  Smitten by the dreams of education Bitten by the reality of misfortune That all we learn is for nothing more than  numbers Striking  it as a ticket to the future  By killing the visions of our mind We fulfill the visions of society .  As we stare into the screens  We penetrate roots to our lives  Lying all freeze as ice  Cold as eyes  As our lives In a chance of dice.  @anu__anil. (Thanks for the starting prompt @Ananthu TS) 


  Hey I'm perfect  And you know me as  A trait full of praise A life fed with ease  A meaning fused as an eve  A word blend  in love But will never know I'm a myth  fated to  exist as vague  muddle as opaque  Spill nothing but  lies  As tears of disillusion  from eyes  Holds  nothing but pain As a story to go in vain.  Alas !  People make me their beloved  Not knowing the inner me they yearn my  fancy name  dreams so high to imitate me  to finally fall in a mist of glee .  But...  All I'm is a word that  People urge to crown  and in the race to be me they forget their own race Unaware that I'm no constant  For I am different with each of my friends  Rather I shift to be the best version of themselves.  Not a fax of others in them .  If they accept  me for who I'm  I will hail to be a blessing in disguise  Or else a destiny to despise.  @anu__anil.

Harry Potter- Not A Review

As most of you can relate, Harry Potter, the ever intriguing piece of art penned by the fantasy maestro Jk. Rowling was one such factor that enlightened me with the wisdom of creative incarnation and inspired me to build a space for my own imagination in the fantasy world. If during the tender ages of my childhood the book led me through the mysticism of a magical world and induced enchanting characters , spells and things in my inquisitive mind, then later in my life it played the role of injecting powerful human emotions in me.  The Author creates a splendid blend of non -human elements with human emotions in the book through many characters and plots.  For instance : 1)The Harry Potter series is filled with a sea of quotes which portrays strong human feelings and social issues such as-  “WE’VE ALL GOT BOTH LIGHT AND DARK INSIDE US. WHAT MATTER IS THE PART WE CHOOSE TO ACT ON. THAT’S WHO WE REALLY ARE.” “IT IS OUR CHOICES, HARRY THAT SHOW WHAT WE TRULY ARE FAR MORE THAN OUR ABI


I don't think it would  be a matter of surprise  if I say that we knowingly or unknowingly have been a constant admirer of the  literary devices - Anthropomorphism and Personification since our childhood through  varied sources especially like that of books and movies .  As you all are aware, The attribution of human characteristics or behaviours to an animal, object,  God is termed as anthropomorphism and Personification is the art of attributing  a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form which turned out to be  the backbone of various literary and fictional works to the present day.   Here I would like to confer about such eminent movies and books that formed the essence of our childhood days and engraved our vision of imagination.  We were lucky enough to have been grown in an era in which we listened to fables like the Crow and The Fox, The Ant and The Grasshopper, The Lion and The Mouse etc to

A Note To The Moon🌚✨

 Dear moon for you to know - You are the ray of glare   that forces my eyelids to open the doors of it's   vision  everytime when I want to embrace the   melancholic terrain brimmed in the cold, silence   and  magical sensation of night for it breaks down   the lies of day, sorrows of past, thoughts of future,   emotions of the heart and finally grab each other's   hand to melt deeply in the grave of the core.  Thanks to your spark that enlightens me with the knowledge of my own reality , for making me caress my wounds so that I could jump into dawn with immense vigour, hope and vitality after every stardust of dark solitude amidst the souls around me.  Thank you for all the unsaid words of wisdom flicked upon me with your gleam. For evoking inspiration in my heart's realm with the silent rhythm of your cold breeze to embark the beautiful journey that lie ahead of my destiny. For being the lit of my life and the soul of my words when I embrace the lifeless paper with the

7 Lil Munchkins, 7 Days

 In a home named week lives the seven dwarfs  In immense joy as lively as elves.  Sunday  the eldest is the leader of the abode  A soul that snitches the days  in an ode He wear glasses and is  wise as an owl  A lil befuddled who pronounce advice to all And I call him Doc the Proc.  Monday the great comes next  who's arrogant as a beast  But brimmed with love Hidden in the heart's hive  And I call him Grumpy the spunky.  Tuesday  the next in line  That can't heal with time  Lie all dull as rust  Shower  neither rest  And I call him Sneezy the queasy.  Wednesday  rings the name now  All  coy  with love for snow Love to hide every minute  Always in a game of self dispute And I call him Bashful the gashful.  Thursday arrives in vigour as rapid  Cheerful ,  tender ,charming and lucid  A face  with smile as sweet as honey  With pinky nose that blush with harmony And I call him dopey the homey.  Friday comes  to instill peace  In the form of a comforting  place A heart as drowsy

Getting lost in time ⏱️

There's none who have known time for it lies hidden in the mist of every passing day among the tumult and silence that lay under the sky beneath it's sanctuary. To strike a stop in the ticking of clock owned by the universe is rather an impossible sway.   But I being not aware of the truth once made a shallow attempt to know the depths of time . In the course of the process the emotional and enthusiastic strands of my mind forgot my mission and time took control of me by fixing every inch of my soul and heart in a paradise amongst beautiful beings , bewitching my senses to go with the flow of what the unknown led me to and there came a stage where time chose to make me leave behind the things that it made me love yet my moving mind of imagination was not ready to move on from the scenes of reality which was far more delightful than those imaginations . So with an intuition so strong I preached to heavenly means whole heartedly to allow a stop in the ways of time atleast for

The Roots Of Who I Am🤷‍♀️🌚

A shadow that taught me how to live since the day I was born, A guide that unfolded the puzzles of the universe and a path that broke the silence between my body and soul keeping it  apart and united at the same time is not anything but the senses that's within me. If I ever had to define my experience  with it , I would pen down it as everything that made me wake up to dawn after night, everything that endowed life inside me. For the first time when I perceived the mystery the universe behold through the sensation of  sight while witnessing the early morning skies in Pune,  drenched in yellow and orange reflecting the drizzled sunflowers conversing to each other in a language unknown, captivating  the child in me ,It felt like the moment  transformed into a magic that transpired the vision. For the first time when I perceived the rhythm the universe behold through the sensation of  sound while listening to the chatters of sparrow and the heavenly notes of cuckoo, waking up to

Weapon - We Often Not Know About✨🗡

  Weapons are often a terrifying name given to  the objects that brutally petrify people and to be called the most powerful among them is something uncommon. No it's not a physical thing like gun,knife arrow , bomb etc rather it's an abstract form. Yes, here I'm giving a shot to delineate the most powerful thing which is mantled with the power to conjure humans-the WORD; for it is that magic which tend to break and build everything within and beyond, it is that charm which holds no time - neither the past, present and the future as it continues to exist in it's truest form eluding the bruises of time , breaking the notion that "Time spares none".  Words are that gem which will melt the deepest thorn of hurt that a person carries in their heart and at the same time it might be the very own thing that created the same. At one hand ,It gave birth to the massive hatred of holocaust and war and on the other it became the dwell of revolution that doused the cause of

Flesh-"Not A Mere Body Part"

 Flesh- a mere part of human body in precise  A word that holds  truths and    lies.  A meaning that bear taboos and prejudice.  They call it flesh, I shriek it a blessing in disguise.  They stain it dirty, I fleck it as enduring relies and prise.  For it is the skin we live with and live on It kept the cell alive on our mother's womb on it's own.  It bore the pain of tearing apart for us to be born.  It saw blood , cuts and bruises still never left us in vain.  We ignored it but it never did  We blamed it for our miseries that we own to   Though it sheltered us from the trap we fell into.  We shattered it every minute mentally .  Though it stood as our immunity against threat that arouse physically.  For all the unasked flair it gifted us We gifted it back with curse .  In the earthly dais of race to uphold the material beauty in rise.  For once , at least endeavour it with love not to keep it apart  Shower it with all the care you retain in the abode of your heart.  Be i

A Travelogue OF A Book📖⏳

Exploring the depths of vivid fantasy, mystery and spiritual genres are one of my favourite past time and while doing that one such book caught the spark of my eyes which is Brida, written by the greatest maestro of story telling -Paulo Coelho.  The novel is based on a true story of an enthral beauty, young Irish girl -Brida who embarks her journey to seek the truth of her life , and this desire leads her to the need of learning magic which is said to be the key to every closed door of mystery that wraps life. As she on set her journey, many great men of wisdom and courage lights the routes to her destination such as Magus, a forest dweller who taught her to overcome her fears and to trust the greatness of the world through the tradition of sun. Afterwards , she finds a teacher for herself - Wicca, who made her aware of her true identity and witch craft by dancing to the hidden music of the world . Thus she understands that every soul appears in this world for a special reason a