7 Lil Munchkins, 7 Days

 In a home named week lives the seven dwarfs

 In immense joy as lively as elves. 

Sunday  the eldest is the leader of the abode 

A soul that snitches the days  in an ode

He wear glasses and is  wise as an owl 

A lil befuddled who pronounce advice to all

And I call him Doc the Proc. 

Monday the great comes next 

who's arrogant as a beast 

But brimmed with love

Hidden in the heart's hive 

And I call him Grumpy the spunky. 

Tuesday  the next in line 

That can't heal with time 

Lie all dull as rust 

Shower  neither rest 

And I call him Sneezy the queasy. 

Wednesday  rings the name now 

All  coy  with love for snow

Love to hide every minute 

Always in a game of self dispute

And I call him Bashful the gashful. 

Thursday arrives in vigour as rapid 

Cheerful ,  tender ,charming and lucid 

A face  with smile as sweet as honey 

With pinky nose that blush with harmony

And I call him dopey the homey. 

Friday comes  to instill peace 

In the form of a comforting  place

A heart as drowsy and chill as ice 

Love to rest and  let nap to entice

And I call him sleepy the mopey. 

Saturday bring  notes of fun 

The song of happiness in a pun

A cheerful being that sets like dark

Enrapture, love, friendship is its mark

And I call it Happy the flappy. 



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