Shades of purple πŸ’œ

Have you ever tasted your favourite colour? Then why is it so some colours seems more attractive to us than the others... What is it that makes a colour one's favourite? Let me think, when did I first tasted the colours in the rainbow and why is it that out of all the colours known in the world, why even purple or violet or whatever the eternals call it captured my pupils the most... Maybe it's because the first fruit that I ever encountered in my childhood was the jamun, the juicy fruit might have lured my senses to adore it. And when I saw the sky during dawn, I might have witnessed a purple tint to it. And the night sky before rain would have blurred my eyes with a vision of blue blend with purple and I got a sense of the colour violet as I transpired that moment into my brain. Then coincidentally when I started walking, my mother bought me lilac sandals which gave me the idea of another shade to my pink mixed purple colour.  And slowly as I started growing up, my first traditional dress, my first pencil box, school bag, water bottle, faber castle pencil turned out to have the essence of purple to it. When everyone bought pink barbie phones, I always went for the purple one. My favourite plant pot in the house is the purple one , I love adorning my hair with dahlias , my first set of jingling bangles was violet and my very first crystal anklet had lavender tint to it. I love wearing nail paints of purple shades and to add  I make sure even my nail paint remover to be of purple shade. The house, leaves and vehicles in my colouring books started having a violet tint to it.  When I got into my college, my first ethnic wear miraculously was violet,  and today as a 22 year old still the purple clothes attract my senses, I adore people with purple veins, I fancy purple hair, I crave for purple shaded books, I buy purple hair bands and shoes, I have plenty of purple dresses. Purple aesthetics of Harry Potter and Wednesday series attract me to the core. And I could never know but if I ever get married , if I ever do I guarantee that I will be a purple bride for sure... My favourite game as a child was the purple or purble palace for reasons I think you already know and since purple is the metaphor for a happy abode , I think it is this craving to be a forever happy being that made purple the most scrumptious to my eyes. 


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