A Travelogue OF A Book📖⏳

Exploring the depths of vivid fantasy, mystery and spiritual genres are one of my favourite past time and while doing that one such book caught the spark of my eyes which is Brida, written by the greatest maestro of story telling -Paulo Coelho. 

The novel is based on a true story of an enthral beauty, young Irish girl -Brida who embarks her journey to seek the truth of her life , and this desire leads her to the need of learning magic which is said to be the key to every closed door of mystery that wraps life.

As she on set her journey, many great men of wisdom and courage lights the routes to her destination such as Magus, a forest dweller who taught her to overcome her fears and to trust the greatness of the world through the tradition of sun. Afterwards , she finds a teacher for herself - Wicca, who made her aware of her true identity and witch craft by dancing to the hidden music of the world . Thus she understands that every soul appears in this world for a special reason and something or someone will ultimately lead them there . When she seeks her destiny, she finds it equally difficult to balance it with her relationships. At last with the support from her beloved Lorens, soulmate Magus and teacher Wicca , she manages to tackle it and learns who she was in her past incarnations as well as at present.

The most beautiful thing about the novel that captivated my heart into it is the enchanting use of metaphors and quotes and thus it lured my keen interest in literature to love the book more. It appears to be a guide to many significant life lessons in the form of quotes with a bit of creative incarnation such as-

"Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle."

"Nothing in the world is ever completely wrong. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."

"When you find your path, you must not be afraid. You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat, and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way."


The only thing that I wanted the author to explore more on was the relationship of Brida with Lorens. The character Lorens seemed to lack the needed attention as he being someone so important in her life journey. 

In total , it is a simple good read revolving around the concepts of vivid fantasy, epic spirituality and wondrous mysticism. 

I would like to recommend this delightful novel to those who feel delighted by running their eyes through the pages of mystery, spiritual and soul mate theories. 

I rate this book of 304 pages 4.5/5 and hope that you will enjoy the balance of emotions being depicted in this novel for " Emotions are like wild horses and it requires wisdom to be able to control them. "



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