Heart Or Brain - Who would you make your priority?🤔🤷‍♀️

 Imagine yourself to be in a state where two of your
 best friends turn out to be the toughest enemies of
 each other and you can't choose one from them. It
 will be a great headache. Isn't it? You will have to
 deal with two extreme opinions while taking a
 decision. But are you aware that apart from
 imagination most of us are dealing with that
 dilemma on a daily basis? 
Confused? Don't be. I'm talking about the two best friends that we carry in our own body which is the rational being brain and the emotional being heart. 

Sometimes heart yells at you to do something because you love it and on the other hand brain pour all the logic that has ever existed from the beginning of the universe to stop you from doing it and on some other day heart will become strict and stop you from spilling something by  spreading out all the emotional consequences of it and meanwhile, brain will act so smart and compel you to do it.     

  Likewise, both these beings often put you in an ambiguous situation and once the fire of the hassle douses all the internal debates that emerged in the process will seem to be quite silly and it's a common thing to believe some hindrance to be as fierce as a tornado at some point in our lives and later realising it to be as serene as a mere breeze in the shore.                                    
What if at some point of time you are forced to choose between two of your best friends ? You can't right? Since you give them equal importance in your life , It may seem nearly impossible and it's as same as this in the case of conflict of thoughts that arise between our heart and brain.We may encounter such contradictions of thoughts between the heart and the brain throughout our lives and we just can't choose one between them and the only way to tackle
 it is to keep a balance using our senses because we can't exist without the backing of both in one breath. 

Imagine if it so happened that under unfortunate circumstances you got yourself locked in a building which caught fire and the immediate witness of the same are your friends . Will they try hard to save your precious life together or show off their ego over their ability to help you get out of this hurdle? Of course , their priority will be you right? In the same way the thoughts of your heart and brain should be balanced as your decisions, growth and existence asks for the opinion of the two beings often as a whole as both emotions and logics should go hand in hand to nurture your personality and perceptions to a better height. 

So the best thing that we can do is to end the enmity between the two beings and blow a light of friendship between them no matter what ever be the trouble that may come in our way as in the end , dawn shall follow night for it's the natural law. 



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